Also known as Fred, Freddie, Jones, and many other nicknames, Winnie is a Cockapoo mix. She is 1 and a half years old and is the most cuddly dog ever. She loves to play tug of war and bark at you if you ignore her. She also loves carpet surfing and chasing her tail.
He is a 7-year-old Bichon Poodle mix. He loves to hang out with his sister Winnie even though he doesn't have as much energy. Tucker loves to rip things up and fart in his family's rooms. He was nicknamed "Toothless" after he got some teeth pulled last year.
He is a rescue from the SPCA. Before he was adopted, he was brought back twice, so they don't know what breed he is. Charlie is very misunderstood. He likes to steal food and toys from his brother Ozzie and growl at his family.
He is also a rescue from the SPCA. Ozzie, like his brother Charlie, is an unknown breed (although we know he's dang cute.) The Beelers have had him for 12 years, but who knows how old he is? Ozzie is a pure sweetie pie who will rip apart any toy with a squeaker inside.
She is a 1-year-old Shih Tzu Chihuahua mix. She is described as a 'wild thang' because of her love for sock stealing. She demands attention 24/7 and loves to cuddle her mama Tayler (and her pink monkey).
She is a 3-year-old Tricolor Australian Shepherd. She is skilled in tug of war and knows many tricks, like roll over, stand up, and paw. Her favorite foods are spinach and overpriced treats from market.
These three cuties were adopted by Julia. Rocky is a Swiss Mountatain/Bernese Mountain Dog mix. He is about to be 1 and is training to be an emotional support dog. Millie is a two-year-old mix of a Boxer, German Shepherd, and Coonhound mix. She loves to run and fetch, but is also a cuddler. Chai is a wise 11-year-old Golden Retriever Great Pyrenees mix. He is a big shedder, but also a big softie. His favorite place to nap is right on the stairs.
He is a purebred pug and he is 9. He loves to snuggle in between your legs but he can sleep anywhere. He is a very loud snorter, but a very talented dancer when he sees his family.
This 6-year-old beauty is a Cockapoo Bichon mix. She was rescued from the SPCA and loves peanut butter. She enjoys long walks with her Lil Mil but shows off her piercing bark when around strangers.